13 Jul

Just like everything else, our teeth too need regular servicing to keep them neat and clean and free from cavities. The servicing of our teeth is called Teeth Scaling and Polishing. It can be done manually or mechanically with a special instrument called Dental scaler.

Teeth Scaling and Polishing

Why is teeth scaling and polishing necessary?

Even if we brush regularly, some amount of fine food particles still gets stuck to the teeth. over a period of time, these food deposits harden to form stone like deposits called as calculus. These deposits harbor harmful bacteria which can cause gum problems and at the same time can also lead to tooth decay. Regular teeth cleaning removes these calculus and bacteria before they can cause any irreversible damage.

Teeth polishing makes the tooth surface shiny and smooth and a smooth surface is less likely to accumulate food deposits as easily as a rough surface.

Ideal frequency for teeth scaling

It is advised to get regular scaling of teeth after every 6 months. It will help in long term maintenance of your oral health.

Manual scaling vs Mechanical scaling

Earlier manual scaling was done which has now almost completely replaced by mechanical devices called dental scalers. However, manual scaling is still done for final finishing or planning of root surfaces which are sensitive.

Is teeth scaling painful?

Not at all, although some patients whose teeth are sensitive might feel some sensitivity.

Searching for dental scaling nearby Visit Dr Garg’s Multipseciality Dental Centre, in Rajouri Garden to avail professional teeth cleaning and polishing.

Source: http://dental-clinic-delhi.weebly.com/blog/teeth-scaling-and-polishing-transforming-your-dental-health

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